Isaiah's new thing is to be so proud that he can swim with no floaties. I (dad) took him around the pool for like 5 minutes and showed him that he could do it. After that he thought he was the man, now able to swim all by himself. The next feat was to jump off the diving board with no floaties and swim to the side. Well this is where the story gets funny. Isaiah tells me that if he jumps off the diving board he will get a new toy, being totally okay with that he gets on the board and starts talking to himself. This is what Isaiah starts to say, "Ok, Ok, you can do this, here it goes, here it goes, dad I trust you, Isaiah you can do this, just a small little jump, ok , ok, here it goes, dad I trust you, ok, ok I love Kung Fu." Then he jumped. He got the toy and now has no fear doing cannonballs, can openers, cowboys, the cell phone jump, anything I love being a dad.

Here is Isaiah, Maddox and Aiken

Isaiah and Grant, I think Isaiah is doing the "cowboy" or the "cell phone" don't even ask what they are just some crazy things Isaiah made up.

Aiken and Maddox hanging out by the pool